Friday, May 6, 2016

MY FIRST BAPTISM!!! ...and the Plague

May 5, 2016


Oh I'm just so happy!!  After over 6 long months of laboring in the Lord's vineyard of Misión Bahia Blanca, Argentina I finally got the opportunity and blessing to watch one of my sisters make her first covenant with our Heavenly Father.  And what a happy day it was!

Myra Garcia - April 30, 2016

Unfortunately, the day didn't start off so great.  Of course, I had to have a very special "Megan Moment" in the morning.  While Hna Cardenas was showering, I started up the oven and began making the dough for some little rolls we were going to make for ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch.  As I was kneading the dough, I smelled something burning and turned around to see a fire inside the oven!  Ahhh!  I had completely forgotten that we had left a little Tupperware container in the oven (because we don't have much counter space and normally store things in the oven when we aren't using it).  Well, needless to say, I had forgotten to check inside the oven and let’s just say we can't use that particular piece of tupperware anymore. :)  Don't worry - we got the fire put out, the oven all cleaned up, and my clothes that smelled like smoke cleaned too. :) Haha great way to start off the day right?

My Saturday Morning "Megan Moment"

But besides that everything went great!  We went over to the church super early to figure out the hot water and start filling up the font.

When the mirror in the baptismal font fogs up because the water is super calentita [hot] have to get creative, right?
Squeegy to Save the Day!

Then Hna Cardenas and I practiced the musical number we decided to do for the baptism.  I played piano as we sang the human "Oh My Father" to the tune of "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing."

Welcome Sign for Mayra

Everyone showed up on time (Argentina time that is, so like 20 minutes late at least), and everything went super well.  Hna. Cardenas and I couldn't wipe the smiles off our faces!  Sergio baptized his cute wife and gave a talk on Enduring to the End in which he just kept saying how happy he was and how excited he is to be able to go to the temple and be sealed together one year from now! :)  The spirit was so strong and we were just so HAPPY!

La Familia Garcia

The only downer to the day was that I started to not feel so good... and that brings me to today, I’m finally starting to get better from this awful cold I've had all week...Super Fun!  But hey, on the bright side, I've been in Argentina for a long time and this is the first time I've gotten sick so that's good right?

In the Book of Mormon, in Ether 12:6 we read "And now, I Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith.

I have had many different "trials of faith" in my life as I'm sure all of you have too.  But the most recent one that I made it through ended on Saturday at 6pm as Mayra entered the waters of baptism. 

These past 7 months haven't been easy.  In fact, they've been very hard.  Why?  Because my Heavenly Father knows me and wanted to test my faith.  For me, this trial of faith consisted of me showing my Heavenly Father that I have the faith to keep going even when it seems like no one wanted to listen to me or to make a change in their life.  But because of the testimony, faith and hope I have, I kept going, kept working hard and doing my best, and finally on Saturday I was able to receive the best reward - to watch one of my Heavenly Sisters and friends choose to start her journey of faith that leads back to our Heavenly Home.  Oh how grateful I am! 

Hope you all have a great week and know how much I love and miss you!

Also, HAPPY early MOTHER'S day to all my favorite Aunts, Grandmother's, neighbors, friends and especially MY MOM!

I love you all!

Con mucho amor,

Hermana Bartholomew

My AWESOME llama wool sweater - the cold weather is coming!

Hermana Cardenas with our BIG area map :)

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