Monday, March 6, 2017

Hermana Verde

March 6, 2017

¡Hola!  ¿Cómo están?  Yo, bien.

New week, new transfer, new comp and new area…haha just kidding!  I’m still in Puerto :) but I do have a new companion…drumroll please…introducing HERMANA GREEN!!!  She’s another cute Yankee from Seattle, WA, has 8 months in the mission and is just as sassy and witty as me. ;)  So in other words, we are getting along great!!  She reminds me so much of my good friend and neighbor from back home -  Marlee Matta. We’ve done nothing but laugh all week – oh, and work…we did a little bit of that too. ;)

Hermana Green

Hermana Green is really awesome though!  I have learned so much from her already and it’s only been like 6 days.  I’m so excited to work together (even if it’s just for 6 weeks :)).

I love my new comp!

Anyway, people update:

Gloria is doing great!  She likes her new church calling with the niños in the Primary.


Flavia y Claudio – are just trucking along trying to finish up their paperwork so they can get married and baptized!

Johnny – is so fun to teach!  He’s so open and honest and really understands what he learns.  Please keep him in your prayers so that he can keep progressing and receive an answer to his prayers.

This week it decided to rain a TON in Mar del Plata.  Especially on Thursday, we left the house thinking it was just sprinkling.  By the time we walked 3 blocks, we were soaked!  No one was home/didn’t want to answer the door, so we sought refuge in the home of the Bazan Family.  They dried us off and put a little portable heater by our feet to warm us a bit – what sweethearts.  Haha, so much for summer in MDP.

This Sunday, the son of a member here in Puerto got baptized so we helped out by making the invitations, programs, filled the font, etc.  My companion sings really well, so she and another hermana sang “Love is Spoken Here” and I accompanied them on the piano.  I like having musically talented companions – it makes life more fun. :)  We sing 24/7 and try to see who can remember the words to English songs.  I’m losing bad!  Unless it’s an EFY song or Hymn I’ve forgotten it…but it’s all good!

Anyway, that’s about all for this week.  I’ll leave you with a thought from something I read this week:
“We are all on different levels.  The Lord takes you where you are.  He will bless you for your repentance.  He does not expect you to be perfect before He cleanses you, but He expects you to try.  If you will try, even though you are not perfect, He will bless you.”

I know that God blesses us for our efforts – so let’s give it all we’ve got, try our best every day to show how grateful we are for the chance to start over and keep trying.

I love you all and hope you have a great week!!

Con amor y compañeras rubias y verdes ;),

Hermana Bartholomew  

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