October 24, 2016
Hola familia y amigos!!
Well, this week was NUTS.
We were so, soooo busy everyday getting everything ready for the chapel open
house!! I’m happy to report that it
turned out so great!!! Wahoo!!! I sent a million fotos for your viewing
pleasure. We basically spent all week inviting everyone to the activity (on
Saturday) and then spent the entire day Saturday setting things up in the
The big banner outside the church to invite the gente! Come and See Open Chapel Saturday, October 22 All are invited to Come unto Christ From 5 to 8 PM |
Christus statue banner Inside the chapel |
Banners explaining different aspects of church doctrine set up in the cultural hall |
God's Plan of Happiness |
Jesus Christ Our Savior |
The Great Apostasy |
Joseph Smith A Prophet of God |
The Book of Mormon |
Modern-day Prophets |
All the members came and set up
little stands with info about every auxiliary organization (Young Men, Young
Women, Primary, Relief Society) in their rooms and it was very impressive. The entire activity required a LOT of work
and prep from both the full-time missionaries and the members in the entire
stake, but it turned out great and was so worth it!!
We had the font filled and were ready to baptize anyone that wanted ;) hahaha |
Baptism Our First Covenant |
The Gift of the Holy Ghost |
We ended up meeting lots of new people who
are interested in investigating the church.
I'll keep you updated as we follow up and teach them this week. :)
Bueno, other than that nothing
else super exciting happened this week.
Oh wait, I forgot about
TRANSFERS. Well, Sunday night at 10pm we got the long anticipated call
and were SHOCKED to find out that I'M STAYING IN OLAVARRIA 1 MORE
TRANSFER!!!! J I honestly
can't believe it. I've already been here for 5 transfers (7 ½ months),
and by the time I finally leave, I will have spent almost exactly HALF of my
mission here.
Oh, also, President has
called me to be a Hermana Training Leader too. Basically the Hermana
version of a Zone or District Leader - but with lots less responsibility. ;) I will just have to call and help the hermanas
in my zone and go to the mission office in Bahia Blanca every other month for
meetings. Wahoo! J
Not what you were expecting right?? Yeah, me either. But, I know that there
is a reason that I’m still here. I'm
excited to finish the training of Hermana Quenta, and do what I can to help the
people here come closer to Jesus Christ.
Another 6 weeks with my beautiful 2nd child Hna Quenta She won't have a step-mom afterall! |
Well, I hope you all have a
great week and keep sharing His gospel every chance you get!!!
Con amor y manteca de maní,
Hermana Bartholomew Birthday package (a month or two late) ;) I have the world's best mission step-mom :) |
Obsessed with Peanut Butter Thanks Hna (Jenny) Baird!!!!! |
The ultimate selfie - from the mirror above the baptismal font |